End to end diagnostic cardiac services, customised to meet your needs.



We offer a complete echocardiography service, with capacity for adult, paediatric, adult congenital and stress echocardiography clinics.

Our flexible delivery model provides you with a different way to manage your new service, or complement your existing service.

We can provide sonographer-only or sonographer-and-machine solutions.

Our machines can be configured to upload to your PACs. Alternatively, we offer an affordable and agile cloud-based image and report archiving solution through our collaboration with TickerCardiology.

Our echocardiography service has been awarded full accreditation through the Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme (DIAS) Standards. The accreditation framework is based on national standards that are set by the Commonwealth Department of Health.


Holter Monitoring

CardioNexus offers both device-and-analysis or analysis only solutions.

Our accredited cardiac scientists use industry gold-standard analysis algorithms to provide rapid analysis of Holter data.

The latest web-server technology and close working relationships with reporting physicians allows for efficient turnaround of clinical data from sites throughout Australia.

We guarantee a 24 hour turnaround from data upload to delivery of report to the requesting clinician. Critical data is acted upon immediately.

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor


CardioNexus offers a device-and-analysis service.

We provided advanced monitors that measure on inflation and deflation.

Our reports include a detailed breakdown of individual measurements over the recording period, graphical depiction of blood pressure trends and a summary report written by accredited cardiac scientists.

The latest web-server technology and close working relationships with reporting physicians allows for efficient turnaround of clinical data from sites throughout Australia.


CardioNexus is powered by TickerCardiology.

TickerCardiology is an Australian cloud-based PACs system. It allows for instant review and reporting of diagnostic cardiology studies.

TickerCardiology’s architecture allows for easy archiving and sharing of clinical information, allowing clinicians to make expert, informed decisions more efficiently and reducing the economic burden of repeat studies.

Our collaboration with TickerCardiology allows our cardiac scientists to work anywhere with an internet connection, ensuring high quality, sustainable cardiac diagnostic services are available to all populations in need.