Belinda Lee

BAppSc (HMS-ExSci); DMU (Cardiac); ASAR 3979

Following her graduation from the Human Movement Studies at University of Queensland in 2001, Belinda began working with Heart Care partners as a Cardiac Scientist. She went on to complete her Cardiac Diploma in Medical Ultrasound in 2006. As part of her transthoracic training, Belinda became proficient in both exercise stress and Dobutamine stress echocardiography.

In 2008, Belinda utlilised her skills and training to work and travel in the UK. Here she worked at the Weston Area NHS Trust and the Heart of England Trust in Solihull. This cemented her ability to work and provide preliminary reports in busy public hospital settings.

Belinda brings a wealth of experience to the CardioNexus team, and her main focus is service provision in the Metro and Western regions.


Ian Kwok


Kathy Steadman